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Little Rock Facials & Skin Care

Rejuvenate your skin to achieve a gorgeous, glowing complexion with our facial services.

Create a customized facial session that cleans and balances your skin. Whether you are looking to reduce the signs of aging skin, clear up acne breakouts, or just rejuvenate your skin for a youthful glow, our facials provide excellent results.

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Facial Services in Little Rock, Arkansas

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels use a solution to remove the outer layer of skin to reveal newer smooth skin beneath. You can have a chemical peel on your hands, face, or neck to help turn back the clock on aging skin. 

Benefits of chemical peels: 

  • Reduce wrinkles
  • Improve skin tone
  • Increase collagen production
  • Clear up breakouts


Microdermabrasion uses an abrasive surface on the skin to remove the outer layer and rejuvenate, resulting in renewed skin tone and texture. 

Microdermabrasion is used to improve a variety of skin conditions, including: 

  • Sun Damage
  • Wrinkles
  • Fine Lines
  • Age Spots
  • Acne Scarring
  • Melasma


Our non-invasive treatment improves skin health, addresses individual concerns, and creates a glow like no other.

Unlike traditional facials, it’s performed via device rather than by hand, for deeper penetration and longer lasting results.

HydraFacaials can help

  • Acne 
  • Reduce Pore Size
  • Rejuvenate and Hydrate the Skin


Dermaplaning uses an exfoliating blade to remove dead skin cells and hair from your face to leave the skin’s surface looking smooth and radiant. 

Dermaplaning is a very effective solution for common skin problems on the face, such as: 

  • Peach Fuzz
  • Wrinkles
  • Acne Scars
  • Sun-Damaged Skin
  • Dull Skin
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